Welcome a new classmate., Tell a classmate you'll see them tomorrow., Find out how Sra. Knick is doing today., Find out how a classmate is doing today., Explain the concept of formality, (tú VS usted)., Greet a classmate., Explain why some adjectives of emotion/feeling end in -o or -a., State that you are tired., Excuse yourself., Explain the difference between señora and señorita., State that you are happy., State an apology., State that you are nervous., You know you'll see your friend later. What do you say to him?, State that you are excited., Repond to, "gracias.", State a greeting used anytime of day., State that you are not well. , State that you are feeling so-so., Ask politely for something by saying please. .

Greetings, Courtesy Expressions, Feelings


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