1. "You are a wizard, Harry." Hagrid affirmed., "You have been accepted at Hogwarts School. " Harry read., "Do you really have the scar?" Ron asked., "Do you want anything off the trolley, dears?" The trolley lady asked., "The chamber of secrets has indeed been opened." Said Dumbledore., "Don't Worry," adverted Malfoy., "You betrayed my parents." Harry yelled., "Only one will die tonight." Said Sirius., "Who are you? What do you want?" Asked Cedric., "It's your turn now." Sirius told Harry., "I'll have Potter." Promised Bellatrix., "Take my hand." Asked Ginny., "I have seen your heart and it is mine. " Voldemort said., "Harry Potter, the boy who lived, come to die," stated Voldemort., "Only I can live forever." Affirmed Voldemort., "The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account," Harry assured. .

Harry Potter and Reported Speech


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