1) Which poem was written by William Wordsworth? a) The Prelude b) Ozymandias c) Storm on the Island d) Exposure 2) Which poet died a week before WW1 ended? a) William Wordsworth? b) Wilfred Owen c) Percy Shelley d) Seamus Heaney e) Simon Armitage 3) Which two poets were romantic poets? a) Owen & Shelley b) Shelley & Wordsworth c) Owen & Heaney d) Heaney & Wordsworth 4) Which poet was influenced by the rule of King George III? a) Percy Shelley b) Simon Armitage c) Seamus Heaney  d) Wilfred Owen  e) William Wordsworth 5) Which poet almost took a role in the Church? a) Seamus Heaney b) Percy Shelley c) William Wordsworth d) Wilfred Owen 6) Which poet grew up amongst the troubles in Northern Ireland? a) Wilfred Owen b) William Wordsworth c) Seamus Heaney d) Percy Shelley 7) Which poet grew up in the Lake District? a) Percy Shelley b) Wilfred Owen c) Seamus Heaney d) William Wordsworth 8) Which poet eloped and ran away to the Lake District? a) William Wordsworth b) Percy Shelley c) Seamus Heaney d) Wilfred Owen 9) Which poet experienced the deaths of multiple family members? a) Seamus Heaney b) Percy Shelley c) William Wordsworth d) Wilfred Owen 10) Which poet based his work on the Pharaoh Rameses the II? a) Shelley b) Wordsworth c) Owen d) Heaney 11) Which poet used their work to tell the truth about their experiences where the media told lies? a) Heaney b) Wordsworth c) Shelley d) Owen 12) Which poet wrote an autobiographical poem?  a) Shelley b) Heaney c) Wordsworth d) Owen 13) Name the poetic movement - Late 18th and early 19th century; turned toward nature and the interior world of feeling a) Enlightenment b) Transcendentalism c) Postmodernism d) Romanticism 14) What is the name for a paragraph in a poem? a) Caesura b) Storza c) Stanza d) Stave 15) What language technique uses 'like' or 'as' to compare two things? a) Metaphor b) Simile c) Personification d) Oxymoron 16) What language technique shows a repeated letter at the beginning of words near one another? a) Alliteration b) Sibilance c) Onomatopoeia d) Exaggeration 17) Which poet wrote about the Twin Towers catastrophe? a) Simon Armitage b) William Wordsworth  c) Percy Shelley d) Seamus Heaney e) Wilfred Owen 18) What language technique gives and animal or object human like qualities ? a) Zoomorphism b) Personification  c) Metaphor d) Sibilance 19) What is the term for when one poetic line runs into the next? a) Sibilance b) Alliteration c) Enjambment d) Stanza 20) What is the term for the rhythm in a poetic line that features 10 alternating stressed and unstressed syllables?  a) Half-rhyme b) Rhythm c) Rhyme scheme d) Iambic pentameter 21) Which term here does not mean half-rhyme? a) Slant rhyme b) Possible rhyme c) Near rhyme d) Oblique rhyme 22) Which poet created a series of poems & interviews titled 'the not dead' a) Wordsworth b) Shelley c) Armitage d) Heaney e) Owen 23) In which poem are elements of fabric referenced? a) War Photographer b) Exposure c) Checking out me History d) Poppies 24) Which poem explores both emigration and imagination? a) War Photographer b) Remains c) The Emigree d) The Prelude 25) Which poem explores the life of a black nurse in the Crimean War? a) Kamikaze b) Checking out me History c) Poppies d) Remains 26) In which poem may we infer that a character might have or might not have died? a) Poppies b) Storm on the Island c) Remains d) London 27) Which poem is based upon the life of a friend of the poet? a) Exposure b) The Emigree c) Checking out me History d) War Photographer 28) What is a dark room? a) A place of war b) Where you sleep c) Where photos are developed d) A bedroom

Exposure, Prelude, Storm, Ozymandias, Remains context & structure test


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