“…not like the war movies at the Plymouth, nobody displaying heroics or bravado.” - 1, “Soldiers were dying with honour on battlefields all over the world. Noble deaths. The deaths of heroes. How could I die by leaping from a steeple?” - 2, “We weren’t heroes. We were only there…” (Arthur Rivier) - 3, “I am not a hero.” - 4, “I have no face.” - 5, “I am like the Hunchback of Notre Dame” - 6, “I knelt there like a knight at her feet...I silently pledged her my love and loyalty for ever.” - 7, ‘Don’t go,’ Nicole whispered into my ear. But Larry LaSalle had told me to go. - 8, ‘You didn’t do anything.’ The accusation in her voice was worse than the harshness. - 9, ‘…You weren’t to blame for what happened. I realised that later…” - 10, “For a while there he made me feel special…” (Nicole about Larry) - 11, ‘You are all stars,’ Larry LaSalle always told us. - 12, the air of mystery that surrounded him added to his glamour. - 13, We always did what Larry LaSalle told us to do. - 14, The gun is like a tumour on my thigh. - 15, ‘Everybody sins, Francis. The terrible thing is that we love our sins. We love the thing that makes us evil. I love the sweet young things.’ - 16, ‘Does that one sin of mine wipe away all the good things?’ - 17, “A place of doom.” - 18, ‘You would have fallen on that grenade anyway.’ - 19,

Heroes Quotes


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