1) which of these are special roots that help the plant to absorb nutrients from another plant called the host? a) parasitic roots b) rhizomes  c) tendrils  d) prop roots  2) which of these plants can multiply through stem cutting? a) potato  b) ginger  c)  jasmine d) sepals 3) which of these modification help the plant to reduce loss of water from it? a) tendrils b) spines c) bulbs  d) parasitic roots  4) which of these form a carpel? a) stamen,filaments and stalk b) sepals,petals and anthers c) stigma,style and ovary d) none of these 5) which of these plants bears a tap root system? a) neem b) onion c) graas d) sugar cane 6) which of these plants has root modified for reproduction? a) turnip b) dodder c) dahlia d) banyan 7) the stem of these plants is modified for water storage a) rose b) cactus c) bougainvillea d) potato 8) which of these store food? a) fruit b) seeds c) stem d) all of these 9) lateral roots branch out from the primary root in a tap root system a) true b) false 10) roots can be modified for protection and strength but never for reproduction a) true b) false 11) stems can carry out out photosynthesis a) true b) false 12) roots that grow from branches and give extra support to the stem? who i am a) parasitic roots  b) prop roots  13) from which part of the leaves or new buds arise? a) nodes b) internodes 14) underground stem of potato a) rhizome b) tuber 15) the outer covering of seed is called the ? a) seed coat b) embryo 

getting to know plants


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