Oversized German soldier represents the German army which is putting pressure on the countries shown to the left each one represented by a man from there, "Mystery" hand pulling the lever that is tipping the German soldier onto these countries - presumably Hitler's hand, The first country to feel the pressure is Austria, which is shortly to be joined in union (anschluss) with Germany to become part of the Third Reich , Czechoslovakia will come under pressure when Hitler takes first the Sudentenland (1938) and later the rest of Czechoslovakia (1939), The Balkans will soon feel German Pressure, The Middle East will soon feel German pressure, North West Europe will soon feel German pressure, France, a country much closer to Britain than Austria or Czechoslovakia will soon feel German pressure, Britain is telling France that Austria and Czechoslovakia are so far away that they cannot have any importance for Britain, But Britain is in danger of tripping over this rock and falling down the hill, If Britain does fall, it will drop the basket of fragile eggs which are labelled to show they represent the British Empire, The name of the cartoonist is David Low. He is warning Britain that all this German activity cannot be ignored - he is definitely against appeasement, David Low is using the title of the cartoon to warn Britain that Germany is applying increasing pressure to the whole of Europe and that Britain cannot ignore it..

David Low's "Increasing Pressure" Cartoon



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