True: White collar crime results in workers lower down losing money, In organised crime there is always a boss or head of the company, Hate crimes occur in Australia, Gangs can be a form of organised crime, Auto theft would be a crime against property, Wage theft is a type of white collar crime, A shooting in a gay nightclub is likely to be a hate crime, White collar criminals often have a tertiary education, Embezzling is a white collar crime, Riots are crimes of morality, The illegal drug trade is considered a morality crime, Poverty and city living are factors that increase personal crime, Organised crime companies are similar in structure to legal businesses., Aggravated assault is a crime against persons, Robbing a bank could be considered a crime against property and persons, Car jacking is a crime against property and persons., Vandalising a mosque is a hate crime., False: Organised crime is always white collar crime., Stealing a letter box at night is a crime against persons, Hate crimes are becoming less frequent, There is no organised crime in Australia, Bosses are easily prosecuted in organised crime, Burglary is a type of white collar crime, Robbing a woman on the street is likely to be a hate crime, White collar criminals use physical violence for their crimes, Burglary is a crime of morality, The illegal drug industry is considered white collar crime., Murder is a crime against property, Arson is an example of organised crime, Organised crime can be done by one person, Breaking into a house is white collar crime,


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