What do you study?, What’s the best thing about working and studying at the same time?, Is it useful to do an apprenticeship?, How many hours a week do you work? Is that too many?, Do you work or are you a student?, Where do you live?, Would you like to work abroad?, Do you think languages are important for business and why?, Do you like the area where you live, and why (not)?, How do you travel to work?, Describe a typical day at work…, What are the advantages of working from home?, How long will you stay in your current job?, Is team work important? Why?, What are the best ways to succeed in a job interview?, Have you ever been on a training course for work?, Should companies pay for employees’ transport?, What qualities does a good business person have?, What are your goals for the future?, If you could work anywhere in the world, where would it be?, What are your plans for next year?, Could you see yourself doing further studies?, Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?, Should companies help employees to improve their English?.

BEC part 1 questions


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