1) trial a) a meeting at the principal's office b) a meeting in court to decide if someone has broken the law c) a meeting at the police station to decide if someone has broken the law 2) jury a) a group of friends studying law b) a group of citizens chosen to decide the results of an election c) a group of citizens chosen to listen to the facts and proof of cases presented in a court room 3) convince a) to persuade someone to do or believe something b) to help others c) to argue against others at a court party 4) guilty a) having committed a crime or a bad deed b) having committed a good action 5) point a) to make a circle with your finger b) to call attention to something with a finger c) to lift your leg and foot 6) honest a) false b) disonest c) truthful 7) murmur a) a low sound b) a loud roar 8) stand a) the place taken by a lawyer in court b) the place taken by a witness in court c) the place taken by a judge in court 9) gavel a) a small baseball bat used in a court b) a small hammer that is banged on a table to get people's attention c) a small pen used in a courtroom. 10) arrested a) to catch someone who broken the law b) to catch a witness c) to let out of jail 11) agreement a) the state of having different opinions b) the sate of having the same opinions c) conflict 12) proof a) anything that supports a court b) anything that supports the truth of something

MC The Trial of Cardigan Jones 3.8


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