1) How long have you been ...? a) two b) together c) a couple 2) My friend is going to ... a baby next month. a) have b) get c) born 3) Have you heard the latest news? Alex and Jessica split ... two weeks ago. a) up b) down c) on 4) Nowadays a lot of couples ... in some months after their wedding.  a) marry b) move c) divorce 5) Do you know who your daughter is going ... ? a) in b) off c) out 6) When do you come and ... me? a) meet b) see c) watch 7) Do you ... on well with your husband's parents? a) give b) get c) take 8) Whom do you ask for ... when you're in trouble? a) advice b) bill c) recommendation 9) Would you like to become ... with your closest friend? a) friends b) couple c) flatmates 10) Now I have difficult ... with my best friend. a) relationships b) communication c) connection

OWS Oxford Word Skills (Bas). Romantic Relationships. Friends


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