You went on safari, but didn't see an elephant., You would really like to see the match, but you have to study. , Your co-worker is always late., You regret you're too short to play professional basketball., You went trekking alone, got lost and had to be rescued., You haven't eaten since last night. It's 10 a.m., you are at school and starving., The man next to you on the plane can't keep still., You are in trouble for not having done your homework., You regret never learning to play a musical instrument., There's a big queue to get into the club and it's raining., Your computer broke and you've lost all your files., You were ill on your last birthday and had to cancel the party., You were very shy when you were younger., You need to make a call but the phone is dead., You ate too much last night and now you regret it. .


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