PEDIATRICIAN - A medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases., PATIENT - A person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment., PARAMEDIC - A person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, typically in a setting outside of a hospital., NURSE - It is a health professional who assists doctors to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital., SURGEON - A medical practitioner qualified to practice surgery., HOSPITAL WARD ROOM - It is a room in a hospital which has beds for many people, often people who need similar treatment., OPERATING ROOM - A room in a hospital specially equipped for surgical operations., BANDAGE - A strip of material used to bind a wound or to protect an injured part of the body., BAND-AID - A piece of sticking plaster of a type having a gauze pad in the center, used to cover minor wounds., SELF-DIAGNOSIS - It is the process of diagnosing, or identifying, medical conditions in oneself., SELF-MEDICATION - It is a human behavior in which an individual uses a substance or any exogenous influence to self-administer treatment for physical or psychological ailments., MIDWIFE - It is a health professional who cares for mothers and newborns around childbirth.,



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