loveable (sounds like 'a bull', NOT the word 'able')  - able, flexible  (sounds like 'a bull') - ible, garbage (sounds like ij, NOT age) - age**, viral (sounds like ɘll) - al, material (sounds like ee-ɘll') - ial , bilingual (sounds like you-wool') - ual, individual (sounds like jewel, like a ruby) - dual**, virtual (sounds like chew-wool') - tual , commercial (sounds like shl) - cial**, initial (sounds like shl) - tial**, giant (sounds like ɘnt) - ant, accident (sounds like ɘnt) - ent, brilliant ('yint', or 'eye-yint' as in defiant)  - iant (2 sounds), obedient (sounds like ee-yint) - ient , ancient (sounds like shint or chint) - cient  , patient  (sounds like shint) - tient**, diary (sounds like ɘ-ree', or 'airy' as in library) - ary (2 sounds), balance (sounds like ints) - ance, sentence (sounds like ints) - ence, appliance (eye-ints, ee-ints obedience) - iance (2 sounds), audience (sounds like ee-ints) - ience , patience (sounds like shints) - tience**, to separate in separate bins (ate, it) - ate (2 sounds), appreciate (sounds like she-ate) - ciate , negotiate (sounds like she-ate) - tiate , skips (sounds like s as in skips, z as in runs, iz as in wishes) - s, es ** (3), walked (t as in walked, d as in begged, id as in wanted) - ed** (3 sounds), teacher (sounds like rrr)  - er, biggest (sounds like ist) - est, doctor (sounds like er, NOT the word or) - or**, helpful (sounds like full) - ful, music (sounds like ick) - ic, magical (sounds like ɘ-kle') - ical, notify (sounds like if-I) - ify, running (sounds like ing) - ing, selfish (sounds like ish) - ish, tourism (sounds like is-m) - ism, dentist (sounds like ist) - ist, activity (sounds like ɘ-tee') - ity , wireless (sounds like liss) - less, slowly (sounds like lee) - ly, pavement (sounds like mint) - ment, happiness (sounds like niss) - ness, famous  (sounds like iss) - ous, curious (sounds like ee-yiss) - ious, delicious (sounds like shiss or ish-iss for icious) - cious, nutritious (sounds like shiss or ish-iss for itious) - tious, transportation (shin, or chin exhaustion) - tion, television ('si' sounds like French j in Jacques; like ge in beige) - sion, electrician (sounds like shin) - cian**, expensive (sounds like siv) - sive, active (sounds like tiv) - tive , picture (sounds like cher) - ture,


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