1) What is the definition of Avant-Garde? a) The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services. b) Attempts to transfer people's feelings about one topic or product to another topic or product. c) New and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them. Being the first to have something d) Using statistics, research, or other data to make the product appear to be better than its competitors 2) What advertising technique uses statistics and data? a) Bandwagon b) Avant-Garde c) Testimonials d) Facts and figures. 3) Can you actually hop on a bandwagon? a) Yes b) No 4) Can a testimonial advertisement use celebrities? a) Only Shaquel O'neal b) Tiger woods c) Yes d) No e) Sometimes f) Very rare 5) Is Avant-Garde the opposite of Bandwagon? a) Yes b) No c) I dont know d) Maybe 6) Does testimonial advertising use regular people or celebrities? a) Just regular people  b) Only celebrities c) Celebrities and normal people d) Shaquel O'neal 7) What advertising technique is this a) Avant-Garde b) Testimonials c) Transfer d) Facts and Figures e) Bandwagons

Advertising Techniques


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