1) Which Aboriginal Peoples live in the Arctic? a) Inuit b) Sioux 2) Which is NOT a First Nation? a) Iroquois b) Dene c) Cree d) Winnipeggers e) Sioux f) Iroquois 3) Who reached Canada 500 years before Christopher Columbus? a) The French b) The Italians c) The Vikings 4) Why did the first European explorers call native people "Indians"? a) The explorers thought they had reached the East Indies b) The explorers thought they had reach the state of Indiana. 5) Who was the first person to draw a map of Canada's East coast? a) Leif Erikson b) Christopher Columbus c) John Cabot 6) The name "Canada" comes from the Iroquoian (an Indigenous group) word, __________________. a) Kanata b) Candy 7) The Iroquoian word "Kanata" means a) open water b) big trees c) village 8) In 1608, the French built a fortress at which is now called ______________________. a) Winnipeg b) Ottawa c) Toronto d) Quebec City e) Vancouver f) Halifax 9) When Europeans explored Canada, they found the country was occupied by ___________________ peoples. a) Aboriginal b) other Europeans 10) Historically which Aboriginal group was the enemy of the Algonquin, Montagnais and Huron? a) Sioux b) Iroquois 11) In 1670 which company was granted exclusive trading rights by King Charles III of England? a) Wal-Mart b) Costco c) Hudson Bay Company 12) Who were the Voyageurs or Coureurs des Bois? a) Men involved in the fur trade b) Men who cut down trees 13) After the Battle of the Plains of Abraham in 1759, New France's names was change to the Province of Quebec? a) True b) False 14) What was the name of Quebec before 1759? a) New York b) New France 15) The Loyalists (United Empire Loyalists) were people loyal to the Crown and did not want to fight in the American Revolution against Britain. a) False b) True 16) In 1758 the first representative assembly was elected in ___________________. a) Manitoba b) Ottawa c) Nova Scotia 17) In 1791 the _________________________________ divided the province of Quebec into Upper and Lower Canada. a) Constitutional Act b) Crown Act 18) Upper Canada later became the province of __________. a) Prince Edward Island b) Newfoundland c) Ontario 19) Lower Canada later became the province of ________________ a) Quebec b) Newfoundland c) Nova Scotia 20) The Constitutional Act of 1791 allowed legislative assemblies elected by the people. a) False b) True 21) In which year did the name Canada become official? a) 1791 b) 1971 22) Lower Canada was heavily Catholic and French-speaking. a) False b) True 23) British North America was made up of Upper Canada, Lower Canada and the _____________________ a) Prairie Colonies b) Atlantic Colonies c) West Coast Colonies 24) Upper Canada was primarily Loyalist, Protestant and English-speaking. a) True b) False 25) The __________ is a system of laws and conventions by which Canada governs itself. a) Canadian Constitution b) Canada playbook 26) During the mid-1790s French-speaking inhabitants of Quebec wanted to retain (hold onto) their traditions, language and culture. In 1791, Britain passed the _______ which granted official recognition to French civil laws and guaranteed religious and linguistic (language) freedom. a) Canadian Constitution b) Quebec Act 27) Who was defeated during the Battle of The Plains of Abraham? a) The French b) The British 28) During the Battle of The Plains of Abraham both commanders (Brigadier James Wolfe and the Marquis de Montcalm)were killed. a) False b) True 29) In 1793, led by Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe, which province made the decision to stop slavery. a) Upper Canada b) Lower Canada 30) Thousands of slaves escaped from the United States (where slavery was still legal) through the help of many people in Canada. What was this way of escape called? a) Underground highway b) Underground Railroad c) Underground pathway 31) The first companies in Canada were the _________ companies a) farming b) logging (cutting trees) c) fur trade 32) What did the trading posts of the Hudson's Bay Company later become? a) names of rivers b) cities 33) What did the United States do in June 1812? a) Invaded Canada b) Open a fur trade post  34) The United States and Canada border is partly an outcome of the War of 1812. a) True b) False 35) Who was Laura Secord? a) A woman who made chocolates b) A heroine of the War of 1812 36) What structure (water pathway) was built to protect Canada from an American invasion? a) Rideau Canal b) Niagra Falls diversion 37) How many years did the war of 1812 last? a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 1 year

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