Total Physical Response (TRP) - The teacher presents language items as instructions and the students must do exactly what the teacher tells them (e.g., Open the window! Stand up!), Grammar-Translation - Students study grammar and translate words into their own language. They do not practise communication and there is little focus on speaking. A teacher presents a grammar rule and vocabulary lists and then students translate a written text from their own language into the second language., Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) - Subject content and language are both taught at the same time (e.g., teaching chemistry content using English as the medium of instruction)., Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) - Based on the principle that learning a language successfully involves communication rather than just memorising a series of rules. Teachers try to focus on meaningful communication, rather than focusing on accuracy and correcting mistakes all the time., Functional - Using a syllabus based on functions (e.g., making requests, giving advice, agreeing) rather than on grammatical structures., Lexical - Learning language based on vocabulary items such as words, collocations, and fixed expressions rather than grammatical structures.,

Approaches to Language Teaching Part 1


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