snuggle into a warm sweater or get cozy by a wood burning fire on a cold autumn night?, dance under multicoloured leaves or get lost in a corn maze?, bite into a crisp apple or go forest bathing?, sip on a pumpkin spice beverage or hot chocolate?, go pumpking picking or apple picking?, go on a stunning hike or cuddle into a cozy sweater on a cold autumn day?, go foraging in the forest for mushrooms or go leaf peeping in the park?, roast chestnuts or jump into a pile of leaves?, carve a pumpkin or go trick-or-treating on Halloween?, go to Starbucks to have Pumpkin Spice Latte or curl up under a blanket with a book or on a rainy day ?, roast pumpkin seeds or make a scarecrow?, throw a friendsgiving or shop on Black Friday?, have a scary movie marathon or go on a haunted tour on Halloween night?, create an autumn wreath out of the gifts from nature or host a bonfire?, collect colourful autumn leaves or make a pumpkin pie from scratch?, step on crunchy leaves or roast marshmallows over a campfire?, have an autumn photo shoot or take a stroll on a rainy day under an umbrella?, rake leaves or set up a picnic at your favourite park?, put together a pumpkin carving contest with friends or make homemade candy apples?, read ghost stories by the fire or make pumpkin soup?.


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