Correct: beat about the bush, until the cows come home, keep up with the Joneses, foot the bill, let the cat out of the bag, rub up the wrong way, add insult to injury, put paid to something, to be in a pickle, to be on thin ice, to make a mountain out of a molehill, to rob Peter to pay Paul, to swim where the fish swim, as dead as a dodo, the perks of the job, be all thumbs, to be as fit as a fiddle, to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, to be all ears, to bring home the bacon, Incorrect: beat around the bush, until the bulls come home, catch up with the Joneses, shoulder the bill, let the cat out of the mat, rub up the bad way, add insults to wounds, put stops to something, to be in a jar, to be on thick ice, to make a stag out of a mosquito, to steal from Peter to pay Paul, to swim where the dolphins swim, dead like a carrot, the perks of the office, be all fingers, to be as fit as a trumpet, born with a silver tray in your arms, to be all noses, to bring home the cheese,

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