Do you think that the Polish education system has a good reputation? Why (not)?, Do you think there should be single-sex schools?, What do you think of the grading system in your country?, How do school class trips and field trips enrich the learning experience for students?, How do dress codes and school uniforms impact students’ self-expression and identity?, What do you think are the negative stereotypes of teachers which make some of the students hate school?, Have you ever fallen asleep during a lesson? Why?, What are some common forms of bullying and harassment that occur in schools?, Do you think students generally like going to school in your country?, Do you think grades and test scores should be the primary factor in college admissions decisions? Why or why not?, Do grades accurately reflect a student’s understanding and knowledge of a subject?, Do you think homework is necessary for academic success? Why (not)? , How do extra-curricular activities and clubs benefit students academically and personally? What kinds of after-school activities does your school offer its students?, What do you think are the reasons some students fail at school?, Do you think teachers in private and public schools have different approaches to students?.

Education questions for discussion


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