Tom: Excuse me, ____ for this guitar? Seller: It's $500 Tom: Hmm...That seems ____. ____ $400? Seller: I don't know. This is a really good quality instrument. Tom: I understand, but $500 is just too much for me. ____? Seller: The ____ is $450. Tom: Still more than I was hoping to pay. How about $425? That ____ considering it's second-hand and has a few scratches. Seller: Well, I see your point. Alright, ____! Tom: Great! Oh, by the way, would you be able ____ some extra strings? Or maybe a strap or something like that? Seller: I can give you a set of strings ____. Tom: Thanks, that's very kind of you. Seller: No problem. Enjoy your new guitar! Tom: Thanks again. Have a great day! Seller: You too.

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