Science - _________________ is the process of exploring and understanding the world around us through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning., Technology - _______________ is about using knowledge, tools, and techniques to solve problems, get things done, and come up with new ideas in different areas. This includes everything from smartphones and computers to advanced machines and scientific discoveries., Mathematics - _______________ is the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns. It involves using logical and precise methods to understand, describe, and solve a wide range of problems in the physical and abstract world., Physics - _____________ is the study of developing the conceptual and mathematical models that describe interactions between entities (both big and small) and that can be used to extend our understanding of how the universe works at different scales., Biology - ____________ is the study of all living organisms, their parts and structures, their interactions with each other and the environment, and all aspects that relate to them., Chemistry - _______________ is the study of matter, analysing its structure, properties and behaviour to see what happens when they change in chemical reactions., Scientific knowledge - What we learn from the scientific process, which involves experimenting and collecting data., Science method - The scientific method is a systematic approach used by scientists to investigate natural phenomena. It involves steps like observation, hypothesis formation, experimentation, data analysis, and drawing conclusions.,


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