1) A --------------------- delivers letter to us. a) soil b) picnic c) postman d) line 2) A --------------------- took these nice photos last week. a) line b) cross c) escalator d) photographer 3) This ---------------------- has got a big company. a) businessman b) university c) park d) market 4) A ---------------------- types emails and answers calls. a) cafe b) secretary c) bill d) lights 5) A ---------------------- interviews people on TV. a) reporter b) aquarium c) lights d) postman 6) After high school, we join ---------------------- studies. a) order b) bill c) ticket d) university 7) My father works in a big -------------------------. a) order b) escalator c) office d) aquarium 8) We have to ------------------- languages. a) park b) sauce c) learn d) businessman 9) We can -------------------- a pizza for lunch today. a) coast b) ticket c) order d) learn 10) We have to pay for the shopping --------------------. a) bill b) picnic c) escalator d) square 11) We use tomatoes to make -------------------------. a) sauce b) aquarium c) lights d) destroy 12) I'd like to have this kind of fish. It's ---------------------. a) earthquake b) tuna c) order d) office 13) Using ----------------- oil is healthy for heart. a) destroy b) lights c) picnic d) olive 14) We mustn't --------------- the street. The light is red. a) line b) destroy c) university d) cross 15) We can't get on the bus without a --------------------. a) rack b) secretary c) ticket d) businessman 16) This is a new ------------------- of the underground. a) park b) line c) market d) photographer 17) We park our bikes in a bicycle -----------------------. a) rack b) bill c) olive d) order 18) We stop at the traffic -----------------------. a) lights b) square c) coast d) tuna 19) We can't ride our bikes on the -------------------------. a) square b) pavement c) rack d) university 20) Stand on the right when you use the --------------------. a) coast b) pavement c) office d) escalator 21) We ---------------------- our car in the garage. a) aquarium b) cross c) park d) earthquake 22) We went on a ----------------------- and had our lunch. a) pavement b) university c) order d) picnic 23) We can see a lot of shops in this public ----------------. a) square b) bill c) university d) tuna 24) We have some tea at this modern -------------------. a) square b) coast c) cafe d) line 25) We can see sea creatures in this ------------------------. a) cafe b) aquarium c) bill d) university 26) We can buy fruit and vegetables at this ---------------. a) photographer b) square c) market d) cross 27) We plant trees in this good ------------------------. a) escalator b) soil c) market d) cafe 28) Natural disasters --------------------- a lot of buildings. a) sauce b) photographer c) destroy d) rack 29) Many building are damaged after the --------------. a) ticket b) postman c) earthquake d) olive 30) There are many resorts on the eastern ---------------. a) earthquake b) coast c) market d) order

G6 Module 4 Vocabulary Revision


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