olhar, to look, looked, ouvir, to listen, listened, praticar, to practice, practiced, lembrar-se, to remember, remembered, preencher, to fill in, filled in, copiar, to copy, copied, mudar, to change, changed, sublinhar, to underline, underlined, pronunciar, to pronounce, pronounced, apresentar alguém, to introduce, introduced, foto / figura, picture, em branco, blank, cedo, early, ritmo, rhythm, som, sound, efeito, effect, papel (social), role, outro(a), other, letra maiúscula, capital letter, faltante, missing, atrasado(a), late, faltante, missing, com fome, hungry, sílaba tônica, stressed syllable, com sede, thirsty, cheio(a), full, brasileiro(a), Brazilian, ocupado, busy, aluno(a), student, dígito, digit, separadamente, separately, coluna, column, portão, gate, embarque, boarding, voo, flight, centavos, cents, lanchonete, sandwich bar.

AF1 - Pre-teaching Unit 1A (Speaking exercise)


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