dinner - the main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening. (ужин), tradition - a custom or belief passed down through generations. (традиция), turkey - a large bird commonly eaten during Thanksgiving dinner. (индейка), pumpkin - a large round orange vegetable with thick skin and many seeds inside. (тыква), corn - a type of vegetable that grows on tall plants and has small yellow seeds (кукуруза), share - to give some of what you have to others. (делиться), feast - a large and special meal for celebrating something. (праздник, пир, банкет), dessert - a sweet dish served at the end of a meal. (десерт) , pie - a baked dish with a crust and filling, usually sweet. (пирог), pilgrim - a person who travels to a new place for religious reasons. (паломник), cranberry - a small, red fruit with a sour taste often used to make sauce or juice. (клюква), thankful - feeling grateful and appreciative. (благодарный), relatives - family members such as parents, siblings, grandparents, etc (родственники), colony - a group of people who live together in one place. (колония, поселение), mashed potatoes - boiled potatoes that have been mashed until smooth and creamy (пюре), gratitude - feeling thankful and appreciative (благодарность, признательность), harvest - the process of gathering crops from the fields (урожай), fall - the season between summer and winter when leaves change color and fall from trees. (осень), family - a group of people related by blood or marriage. (семья), redo - to do something again in order to improve it or make it better.to do something again in order to improve it or make it better. (переделывать), exchange - a person who travels to a new place for religious or cultural reasons.to give something to someone and receive something in return. (обменивать), weird - strange or unusual in a way that is hard to explain.omething given to someone without expecting anything in return. (странный, непонятный),



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