I’m James. I wear a smart uniform ____. I go to the airport and ____ for the passengers. Then I meet the passengers. I give them ____. I talk to them. I love my job because I can ____! I’m Anna. I work ____. There are thirty five children in my class, and they are all seven or eight years old. They are ____, but they are often naughty too. Classes finish at three o’clock, but I always have to ____ and check the children’s work in the evenings. I work in a big hotel. I ____ for the guests. I also have to order food and put it in the correct cupboard, fridge or freezer. All the food must be safe and the kitchen must be clean. I like my work because I’m always busy. But one day, I’d like ____. Then I can make new, ____. I wear a uniform at work – a t-shirt and black trousers. It’s not very smart, but it’s comfortable. I am ____ in the store! I have to help customers, ____ and get sneakers from the room upstairs. And I have to tidy up because there are often balls and clothes on the floor of the store. My work ____. I hope to get a different job soon! I sometimes work in the day, and sometimes at night. I work with children here ____. I give them their medicine and check that they are okay. Some of the children are ____ and that’s really sad. I play with the children and talk to their families. It’s great when they ____l and can go home.

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