1) ______ I was walking, I found money in the street. a) When b) While 2) --------They were studying, she arrived home. a) When b) While 3) ______ the door bell rang, I was doing my homework. a) When b) While 4) -------------the teacher was talking in class , the students wrote in their notebooks a) While b) When 5) ______ Sara was watching T.V. light went off a) when b) while 6) ______ he was doing shopping, he lost his credit card. a) When b) While 7) --------- she was listening to the radio, her mom cleaned the windows a) when b) While 8) ______ the students were studying, Miss Giselle came in. a) When b) While 9) ------ my my dad arrived home, my mum was cooking a) while b) when 10) ------ He was going out, it started to rain a) When b) While 11) ______ a police officer stopped me, I was driving fast. a) While b) When

When & While


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