1) ………. you ………. to John and Mary's wedding on Saturday? a) Did … go b) Did … went c) Have … gone d) Did … gone 2) .......... Linda ever .......... sushi? (try) a) Did … try b) Has … tried c) Has … tryed d) Have … tried 3) .......... you ever ......…. to Paris? (be) a) Were … be b) Has … been c) Have … been d) Did … be 4) This year I .......... to Athens 3 times so far. (travel) a) has travelled b) travelled c) have travel d) have travelled 5) .......... you ......…. your homework yet? (finish) a) Did … finished b) Did … finish c) Have … finished d) Has … finished 6) I .......... Kate in 2016, so I .......... her for 3 years. (meet; know) a) have met / have known b) met / have known c) met /knew d) have met / knew 7) What ...……. to Judy last night? (happen) a) happened b) did happen c) has happened d) did happened 8) They .......... already ………. the train station. (leave) a) have ... leave b) has … left c) did … left d) have … left 9) I .......... to Greece in 2010 and I .......... here for 9 years. (come; live) a) came / have lived b) came / lived c) have come / have lived d) have come / lived 10) …....... you .......... to the cinema last night to ………. the new film? (go; see) a) Did … go / seen b) Did … go / saw c) Did … go / see d) Have ... gone / see 11) How long ......…. she .......... Jason? (know) a) has … know b) did … knew c) have … known d) has … known 12) Last night aunt Betty .......... by to tell us that she .......... a new house. (come; buy) a) came / bought b) has come / has bought c) came / has bought d) has come / bought

Present Perfect vs Past Simple 2


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