1) 'my dearest partner of greatness,'  What does this show? a) Women were inferior in Jacobean times. b) How close the couple are. c) Macbeth does not trust his wife. 2) 'It is too full of the milk of human kindness' What does Lady Macbeth mean by this ?  a) Lady Macbeth thinks her husband is too kind to kill Duncan. b) She believes Macbeth is brave enough to kill the king. c) Macbeth is wicked. 3) 'The illness should attend it.' What does illness mean?  a) disease b) kind and considerate c) wicked or ruthless 4) 'unsex me here!' What is Lady Macbeth asking for? a) She wants to be a man. b) She wants to be cruel like a man. c) She doesn't like women 5) 'Take my milk for gall,' What does she mean by this? a) She is going to drink poison. b) She wants to poison Duncan's milk. c) She is preparing herself to kill Duncan 6) 'look like the innocent flower' Which language feature has Shakespeare used? a) simile b) metaphor c) personification 7) 'But be the serpent under't'  Which language feature has Shakespeare used? a) simile b) metaphor c) personification


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