Pig out - To eat a lot, Bring home the bacon - To earn money or provide for your family., A piece of cake - Something very easy to do., Have egg on your face - To feel embarrassed due to a mistake or failure., Walk on eggshells - To be careful around a sensitive situation., Cry over spilled milk - To regret something that has already happened and cannot be changed., Butter up - To make someone happy so that they will do what you want., Cup of tea - Something that one enjoys or prefers., Eat like a horse - To have a large appetite, Eat like a bird - To eat very little., A sweet tooth - A strong liking for sugary foods., Sweet as honey - Extremely pleasant, kind, or charming., Cool as a cucumber - Calm and composed, especially in stressful situations., Apple of my eye - Someone you love and are proud of., Have a lot on your plate - To be very busy with many things to do., One smart cookie - An intelligent or clever person., Couch potato - A person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV., Make my mouth water - To bring desire, especially for food.,

Food idioms meaning - Slanguage


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