(popular) country to visit on holiday: Germany, India, France, Italy, China, (bad) thing about school: homework, getting up early, mean teachers, tests, useless lessons, (friendly) pet: a cat, a dog, a rat, a turtle, fish, (good) day of the week: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, (tasty) ice-cream flavour: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cream, caramel, (dangerous) animal: a dog, a snake,a scorpion, a rat, a crocodile, (difficult) school subject: history, math, physics, chemistry, PE, (relaxing) in your free time: swimming, reading, cycling, watching a film, working in the garden, (boring) in your free time: playing video games, cooking, surfing the Internet, sleeping, working in the garden, great (invention): a computer, a a telephone, an airplane, a compass, penicillin, (important) problem in the world now: global warming, coronavirus, shortage of food, pollution.

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