Ephemeral - The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, fading away as quickly as it appeared., Ineffable - The joy of seeing her after so many years was ineffable and left him speechless., Serendipity - Finding a hundred-dollar bill on the ground was pure serendipity., Quintessential - She was the quintessential example of kindness, always helping others without expecting anything in return., Ameliorate - The new laws were designed to ameliorate the conditions of people living in poverty., Sagacious - The sagacious investor made a fortune by foreseeing the market trends., Verisimilitude - The novel’s detailed descriptions gave it a sense of verisimilitude, making it feel almost like real life., Incontrovertible - The DNA evidence provided incontrovertible proof of the suspect's guilt., Perfidious - The diplomat's perfidious dealings led to a breakdown in trust between the two countries., Perspicacious - Her perspicacious insights during meetings always impressed her colleagues., Sycophant - The CEO was unaware of the real problems in his company because he was surrounded by sycophants., Supercilious - His supercilious attitude made him few friends, as he often looked down on others., Propinquity - The propinquity of the two buildings caused concern among the city planners., Obfuscate - The politician used technical jargon to obfuscate the real issues during the debate., Magnanimous - Despite the harsh criticism, she responded in a magnanimous manner, offering her detractors forgiveness., Languid - The languid rhythm of the music made us feel relaxed and peaceful., Insidious - The insidious disease spread through the population before the doctors could identify it., Harbinger - The sudden drop in stock prices was seen as a harbinger of the economic crisis to come., Disparate - The two cultures were disparate, each with its own unique traditions and values., Capricious - His capricious behavior made him unpredictable, often changing plans at the last minute.,

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