When was the last time you had a raging appetite and felt you could eat a horse? Have you ever felt faint with hunger? , What's the best way to quench your thirst? , When was the last time you had dinner with someone who picked at his food? , Do you feel comfortable having dinner with people who eat like a bird?  , Are there any fussy eaters in your family? Do you have any friends who you would consider squeamish eaters? , Can you think of a time when someone ate you out of house and home? , What shouldn't you do on an empty stomach? or on a full stomach? , When do people lose their appetite? , What helps you to work up an appetite?  , What side dishes do you like to order when you eat out?  , Can you talk about a celebratory dinner you have recently attended? When was the last time you had a celebratory drink? , What could be done to help people sleeping rough to have at least one square meal a day? , What savoury dishes do you like best? What are your favourite hors d'oeuvres? , When was the last time you saw a mouth-watering display of food? , What are the advantages of having a leisurely meal?  , When was the last time you savoured every mouthful? What did you have?  , Don't you think we too often gobble down our food, never taking the time to enjoy the flavours and sensations of the things we crave?, What do you look for in a good restaurant?, What is one of the best restaurants you have been to in Melbourne?, Do you enjoy eating spicy food? How hot do you like it?, Do you usually order dessert when eating out? What is your favourite?, Have you ever had a bad experience in a restaurant? What happened?, Would you ever eat in a restaurant alone? Why/Why not?, Do expensive restaurants always serve better food?, Which country serves the best cuisine in your opinion?, Is restaurant food better than home-cooked food?, Do you ever eat in fast-food chains like McDonald's or KFC? How do you feel about them?, Have you ever tried an all-you-can-eat restaurant? Does this appeal to you?, Have you ever had a late-night kebab? Was it a good experience?, Should the man always pay for the meal while on a date?, Do you ever read restaurant reviews? Are they useful?, Smoking is now banned in many restaurants around the world. Is this a good thing?, What is a food you enjoy that is an acquired taste?, Why do you think healthier food is more expensive to buy than unhealthy, junk food?, Your teacher is coming to your country, what dish would you recommend he tries?.

EC A1-A2 M4 Food and Cooking DISCUSSION


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