Animal Cell - An ____ is one of the basic units of life. Within the cell are several organelles that help to perform a function., Cell Theory - was developed in 1600s and has three basic principles: 1) a cell is the basic unit of life, 2) all cells come from pre-existing cells, and 3) all living things are made up of one or more cells., Cells - the smallest part of an organism. They are often not visible. They help to make people, animals and plants., Cytoplasm - A Jello-like solution that fills each cell., Diffusion - particles move from a higher concentrated area to a lower concentrated area over time., Membrane - protects the cytoplasm of the cell., Mitochondria - The powerhouse of the cell., Nucleus - usually a big part of the cell, because it controls activities and growth of the cell., Organ System - when select organs work together to perform a function. Eg., organs like the lungs and teeth help to make up the respiratory system., Organ - a build up of similar tissues that create an organ to perform a function in the body. Eg., hearts, lungs, and eyes., Organelle - make up the insides of a cell. Each part of a cell has a job and a function, and the ______ is the name of that particular part of the cell (eg., nucleus, mitochondria, cytoplasm, etc.), Organisms - can be any animal or plant cells, or any cell that exists on its own, Osmosis - the idea that water needs to pass through the cells. The water particles pass from a higher concentrated area to a lower concentrated area to achieve an equal level of water., Plant Cell - form the basis of life for plants. They have similar cells to that of an animal cell, but they also have a cell wall and a chloroplast., Selective Permeability - The idea that only a select few molecules can leave and exit a cell., Tissue - Similar cells combined for ____. The four major types are epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous., Unicellular - These organisms only have one cell, but can still perform basic functions, like moving, getting nutrients and exchanging gas. An example would be an amoeba.,

Cells Vocabulary


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