____ Vulnerable people should be empowered to make their own decisions and be given the full extent of information in order to do so. All services and decisions should take place with the individual’s best interests in mind. Following the principle of empowerment means that the individual’s thoughts, feelings and opinions are taken into consideration. The only instance where this may not be possible is if the individual lacks the capacity to make their own decisions. As stated in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, all individuals should always have control over their own choices. ____ It is essential that action is taken to prevent further harm to individuals where possible signs of abuse, harm or neglect could occur. It is absolutely vital that everybody is able to recognise the signs of abuse, harm and neglect. The earlier the signs are recognised, the more likely the exploitation can be avoided. It’s always best to prevent something from happening rather than trying to cure things after the fact. It is also important to raise awareness of who may be more likely to become vulnerable so that these individuals can be protected. ____ In the unfortunate event that a safeguarding issue needs to be raised, it is essential that it is done so in the correct manner, ensuring that investigative efforts are proportionate to the risk presented in the report. Every risk raised needs to be investigated thoroughly, using the least intrusive method possible. Some reports may be lower risk than others which may, for example, cause an individual’s life to be in danger. This would, of course, constitute a more urgent and invasive response. ____ The protection principle should ensure that those surrounding vulnerable adults and children should protect from any harm. Organisations and individuals who come into contact with those at a greater risk of abuse and neglect should ensure that they remain current on the latest policies and procedures for reporting and investigating safeguarding issues. ____ The partnership principle encourages organisations and local communities to collaborate and support one another to keep everybody safe. It is everybody’s responsibility within a community to recognise and report the signs of abuse. It is permitted for organisations to share information regarding an individual only if it is relevant to keeping them safe. Organisations should be absolutely certain that it is necessary for the safety of the individual to release this information before doing so. ____ Everybody within a community must understand that it is their responsibility to understand and practise awareness of the safeguarding procedures as much as the next person. It is important that some individuals in the community have established roles and responsibilities and know what to do should a safeguarding incident occur. There must be a clear guide for these individuals to refer to, to ensure that the procedures are taking place correctly.


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