When was the last time you got cold feet before attending an important event? What was it?Was it due to fear, doubt, or a mix of emotions?, Can you say you have nerves of steel? How do you manage to stay calm in stressful situations?, Recall a time when you broke out in a cold sweat due to fear or anxiety. What triggered this physical reaction?, What is one thing that you are petrified of, and what makes it so terrifying to you? Have you ever attempted to confront or address this fear, and if so, what was the outcome?, Describe a scenario that always makes you feel uneasy, no matter how many times you encounter it., What would you dread more: public speaking or going on a thrilling roller coaster ride?, Has a particular sound or noise ever given you the creeps or made your hair stand on end? What was it and how did you react?, Are you more likely to be on pins and needles before a big job interview or when waiting for important medical test results?, Have you ever been scared stiff of something seemingly ordinary like clowns or balloons?, Which scenario would frighten the life out of you: being stuck in an elevator for hours or getting lost in a dense forest without a map?, s there an irrational fear that gives you the heebie-jeebies every time?.

Vocabulary practice fears and phobias


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