Have You Ever Felt Like an Outsider in a Group Due to Your Background or Identity?, What Does Inclusion Mean to You Personally?, How Has Your Perspective on Diversity Evolved Over Time?, Share an Example of a Time When You Learned Something New About Another Culture or Identity., What Role Does Language Play in Fostering Inclusion?, Have You Ever Witnessed or Been Part of a Successful Cross-Cultural Collaboration?, How Would You Handle a Situation Where a Colleague Was Being Culturally Insensitive, Sexist, Racist, or Homophobic?, What Is Your Approach to Understanding the Perspectives of Colleagues From Different Backgrounds?, In Your Opinion, What Is the Most Challenging Aspect of Working in a Diverse Environment?, What’s the ratio of men and women in the company you work in? Is it above or below the average for your industry?, Do you feel that your unique attributes, traits, characteristics, skills, experience and background are valued at work?, Do you feel comfortable being yourself at work?, Do you ever feel left out at work – either when engaging in work activities or socially?, What successful initiatives or best practices has your organization identified concerning diversity and inclusion issues?.


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