language register, level of formality, five, The five language registers are... - frozen, formal, consultative, casual/informal, intimate, who, what, why, where, It is important to understand the differences between registers so you can use language that is appropriate for a particular situation and audience. For example, if your register is too high, you may come across as being snobby, pretentious or arrogant., Longer words or words with origins in Latin and Greek and longer more complex sentence structures are indicators of ________________________. - Formal language, Language indicators of politeness allow the speaker to be less ________________. - direct, Shorter words, or words with origins in Anglo-Saxon, shorter sentence structures and simpler grammar are indicators of _______________________. - Informal language, Examples of indicators of politeness include... - titles, greetings, modal verbs, indirect questions, continuous verb forms, past tenses for present situations, using language to soften or hedge, delaying expressions, using less direct verbs,


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