screening interview - is the first interview that takes place after you have claimed asylum. For most people, this interview should be quite short – usually around 30 minutes to two hours. For others, however, it might take longer depending on the complexity of their case., claim asylum - an application you make to get a type of international protection called refugee status., substantive asylum interview - The asylum substantive interview is the big interview in the asylum process when the Home Office interviewer will ask in detail about your reasons for claiming asylum in the UK., refugee status - you have a need for protection because you are at risk of persecution, and your claim falls under the grounds for protection in the Refugee Convention, Humanitarian Protection - you are not at risk of individual persecution but you would be at risk of serious threat or harm if you returned to where you are from because of general violence, Unaccompanied children - children who have been separated from both parents and other relatives and are not being cared for by an adult who, by law or custom, is responsible for doing so, Detained non-suspensive appeal - where the Secretary of State refuses an applicant's asylum and / or human rights claim as being 'clearly unfounded', the applicant is only able to appeal against that decision after they have left the UK., Inadmissibility rules - ‘In broad terms, asylum claims may be declared inadmissible and not substantively considered in the UK, if the claimant was previously present in or had another connection to a safe third country, where they claimed protection, or could reasonably be expected to have done so, provided there is a reasonable prospect of removing them in a reasonable time to a safe third country.’,


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