1) What is Lord Voldemort's real and full name? a) Tomas Voldemort b) Tom Marvolo Riddle c) Tom Riddle 2) What is the symbol for the Hufflepuff house a) badger b) raven c) weasel 3) Which Weasley brother gets married in the Deathly Hallows Part 1 a) William Weasley b) Percy Weasley c) Charlie Weasley 4) What village can Hogwarts students visit from their third year? a) Fogsmead b) Godric's Hollow c) Hogsmeade 5) What is Fluffy a) Giant Tarantula b) Extremely large three-headed dog c) Hagrid's dog 6) Which spell unlocks doors? a) Accio b) Alohomora c) Lumos 7) Whose patronus charm was a otter? a) Hermione Granger's b) Luna Lovegood c) Ginny Weasley 8) Who killed Bellatrix Lestrange? a) Neville Longbottom b) George Weasley c) Molly Weasley 9) Which Harry Potter word is now in the Oxford English Dictionary? a) muggle b) Quidditch c) galleon 10) Which horse-like creatures pull the school carriages at Hogwarts? a) Hypogriphs b) Thestrals c) Unicorns 11) What is Harry's middle name? a) James b) George c) Willaim 12) What does OWL stand for? a) Opening Wizard Level b) Ordinary Wizardry Letter c) Ordinary Wizarding Level 13) How many presents does Dudley Dursley get on his birthday? a) 36 b) 10 c) 35 14) When entering the Ministry of Magic you enter the numbers 62442 on the telephone. What do the letters spell? a) trick b) magic c) letin 15) How many horcruxes does Voldemort make? a) 5 b) 7 c) 6 16) What is Kreacher? a) caretaker of Hogwarts School b) Goblin in the bank c) Ill-tempered house-elf 17) Who is the Headmaster of Durmstrang? a) Professor Igor Karkaroff b) Rufus Scrimgeour c) Cornelius Fudge 18) Who did Harry take to the Yule Ball? a) Cho Chang b) Padma Patil c) Parvati Patil 19) What animal does Professor Remus Lupin turn into? a) werewolf b) wolf c) dog 20) Which team plays Ireland at the Quidditch World Cup? a) Irish National Clover team b) Irish National Quidditch team c) Irish Magic Clover 21) What does Professor McGonagall teach? a) Transfiguration b) Charms c) History of Magic 22) What kind of pixies does Professor Lockhart set free? a) Caledonian Pixies b) Welsh Pixies c) Cornish Pixies 23) What is Dumbledore's full name? a) Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore b) Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore c) Albus Brian Wulfric Percival Dumbledore 24) What chess piece does the Lovegood house resemble? a) rook b) knight c) Bishop 25) What is the name of the Weasley's house? a) Burrow b) Lodge c) Covert 26) What is the name of Hermione's pet cat? a) Rootshanks b) Crashroot c) Crookshanks 27) What's the name of the Wizarding newspaper based in London? a) The Daily Mentalist b) The Daily Prophet c) The Prophet News

Harry Potter Quiz


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