Everyone should be kind ______ animals. - Everyone should be kind __TO____ animals., I was baffled ______ problem number 5. - I was baffled __BY____ problem number 5., Were you surprised _____ the results? Yes, I was. - Were you surprised __BY___ the results? Yes, I was., My mother is really angry _____ me. Oh no! - My mother is really angry __WITH___ me. Oh no!, Some people are jealous ____ the possession of others. - Some people are jealous __OF__ the possession of others., The cage was full _____snakes! Yikes! - The cage was full __OF___snakes! Yikes!, That was very kind ____ you. Thanks! - That was very kind _OF___ you. Thanks!, I’m so bad ____ math- it’s pathetic. - I’m so bad _AT__ math- it’s pathetic., She was very anxious _____ the upcoming exams. - She was very anxious __ABOUT___ the upcoming exams.am, When he’s angry, he’s capable ____ doing anything. - When he’s angry, he’s capable _OF___ doing anything., Are you certain ______ the time? - Are you certain __ABOUT____ the time?, If you get a flu shot, you will be immune _____ of 4 kinds of the flue. - If you get a flu shot, you will be immune __TO___ of 4 kinds of the flue., Aren’t you ashamed _____ what you said? - Aren’t you ashamed __OF___ what you said?, I wasn’t conscious _____ what I was doing. - I wasn’t conscious __OF___ what I was doing., The suspect was detained ______ the police. - The suspect was detained __BY____ the police., She was so distressed ______ the death of her grandmother.  - She was so distressed __BY____ the death of her grandmother., That mother is very attentive _____ the needs of her family.   - That mother is very attentive __TO___ the needs of her family.  , He is prone _____ saying the wrong things. - He is prone __TO___ saying the wrong things., My niece is engaged _____ a computer expert. - My niece is engaged __TO___ a computer expert., She is always late ______ appointments. - She is always late __FOR____ appointments.,


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