1) I ... a new dress yesterday. a) bought b) have bought 2) He ... to school last week. He was ill. a) hasn't gone b) didn't go 3) I ... such a delicious cake. a) have never eaten b) never ate 4) ... me last night? a) Did you call b) Have you called 5) She ... married in 2008. a) has got b) got 6) I ... TV last night. a) didn't watch b) haven't watched 7) They ... their homework yet. a) haven't finished b) didn't finish 8) Last year, the Smiths ... to Australia. a) have gone b) went 9) My brother ......his car. Look! It's so clean! a) washed b) has already washed 10) I ........to the cinema two days ago. a) have gone b) went


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