: What is a typical Ramadan Feast meal in your city? Can you cook it?, What did you do in your summer holiday last year?, What kind of activities do you like doing during winter holidays?, When was the last time you travelled somewhere as a tourist? What did you do there?, How many suitcases do you usually take with you on holiday? , When your holiday is finished, are you happy to get back to school or not? Why?, Some people buy and read a guidebook before going on holiday. What do you do to prepare for a holiday?, Do you write out a list of things to pack before going on a holiday?, What is the most memorable holiday you had when you were a child?, Which do you prefer: summer holidays or winter holidays? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?, Do you prefer buying a holiday with everything organised for you or a holiday which you create fully by yourself?, Do you prefer a holiday with friends or a holiday with family?, Do you prefer holidays which include a lot of activities or more relaxing ones? Why?, Do you prefer to visit cities, the beach or mountains. Why?, Would you like to go on a long cruise? Why/why not?,


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