classroom - The room in school where you have lessons., playground - The place in school where you can play and have fun with your friends., dictionary - A book that tells us the meaning of a word and how to spell it., subjects - Maths, science, history, art and English, teacher - The person who helps students learn., student - A person who is studying., library - A room with many books., desk - A piece of furniture where students sit and work., board - The place where the teacher writes things for the class to see., museum - The place where we learn about interesting old objects, aquarium - The place where we can see fish and sharks, trip - The event of going to some place with your classmates, textbook - a book that contains detailed information to study it, exercise - a short piece of work that you do to practise something you are learning, project - a study of a subject which students do for some time, homework - work that teachers give their students to do at home, lesson - a period of time when a person learns about a subject ,


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