1) You ______ a lot of interesting people. a) will meet b) will met c) meet d) will 2) everything_________ perfect a) I will be b) bee c) will be d) been 3) you ________ around the world   a) travel´s b) I travel c) will d) will travel 4) many volunteers __________ you a) help b) will help c) I will help d) the are help 5) you _______ in luxury  a) I am live b) are the live c) will live d) live 6) my________ sister in a big city a) won´t live b) live c) livees d) my are live 7) I hope I _______ on TV a) appear b) appear´s c) won´t appear d) I hope appear 8) there _______ any diseases and wars and people _________ very happy a) won´t beed b) be c) there be d) won´t be

Future - will


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