Loyalty - These schemes reward brand loyalty, Harrier - A fighter jet with vertical landing technology, Pepsi - Coca Cola's main rival, Take_me_along - The marketing campaign which encouraged business men to fly with their wives, Olympic_Games - The USSR boycotted this major sports event in 1984, Deaf - According to the general public, Taylor Swift should perform in a school for such people, Diabeetus - According to the general public, Mountain Dew's new flavour should have this name, Cleveland - The authorities of this US city allowed a charity called United Way to release 1.5 million helium balloons, Renault - This French car manufacturer announced that their car was pear shaped, Total_crap - The head of Ratners described his jewellry in a very unfortunate way, Puerto_Rico - Mark Zuckerberg tried to draw attention to a natural disaster in this part of the world, The_Simpsons - The cartoon family that was promoted by an ill-advised marketing campaign in the 90s,

Marketing Blunders - Crossword



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