1) Which painting is《Starry night》 a) b) c) d) 2) Who painted the Mona Lisa? a) Claude Monet b) Picasso c) Leonardo Davinci d) Van Gogh 3) What art style is Pablo Picasso famous for? a) Surrealism b) Realism c) Cubism d) Impressionism 4) Which artist is famous for his colorful, swirling patterns and sunflowers? a) Picasso b) Van Gogh c) Davinci d) Monet 5) When was Davinci born? a) 1455 b) 1450 c) 1458 d) 1452 e) 1462 6) What is the name of this painting? a) Girl with a Pearl Earring b) Girl with an Earring c) Girl with an Ear d) Girl with a Pearl 7) What is the term for a drawing or painting of a person? a) Abstract b) Portrait c) Realism d) Expressionism 8) What was Leonardo da Vinci's nationality? a) Spanish b) French c) Italian d) Dutch 9) Leonardo da Vinci was not only a painter but also a ________. a) A) Scientist b) B) Musician c) C) Architect d) D) All of the above 10) Which of these is another famous work by Leonardo da Vinci? a) A) The Last Supper b) B) Guernica c) C) Water Lilies d) D) The Night Watch 11) Leonardo da Vinci is often described as a "Renaissance Man." What does this mean? a) A) He was a king during the Renaissance b) B) He was skilled in many areas of art and science c) C) He only painted religious subjects d) D) He lived in the Renaissance period but didn't create any art 12) True or False: Leonardo da Vinci wrote his notes in reverse, which can be read only with a mirror. a) True b) False 13) Which invention is Leonardo da Vinci often credited with designing? a) A) The telephone b) B) The bicycle c) C) The helicopter d) D) The compute 14) In "The Last Supper," how many disciples are seated with Jesus? a) A) Ten b) B) Eleven c) C) Twelve d) D) Thirteen 15) Who is the figure to the right of Jesus in "The Last Supper"? a) A) Peter b) B) John c) C) Judas d) D) Thomas 16) What is the central theme of "The Last Supper"? a) A) The birth of Jesus b) B) The betrayal of Jesus c) C) The miracles of Jesus d) D) The teachings of Jesus 17) What artistic technique did Leonardo use to create "The Last Supper"? a) A) Fresco b) B) Oil painting c) C) Tempera on gesso d) D) Charcoal drawing 18) Which disciple is depicted reaching for the same dish as Jesus in "The Last Supper"? a) A) Peter b) B) John c) C) Judas d) D) James 19) What moment is captured in "The Last Supper"? a) A) Jesus announcing that one of his disciples will betray him b) B) Jesus performing a miracle c) C) Jesus giving a sermon d) D) Jesus washing the feet of his disciples 20) What type of perspective did Leonardo da Vinci use in "The Last Supper"? a) A) Linear perspective b) B) Atmospheric perspective c) C) Isometric perspective d) D) Two-point perspective 21) Who betrayed Jesus? a) A) Peter b) B) John c) C) Judas d) D) Thomas

Art Questions UNit 5


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