reading - I am _____ a book, drawing - She is _____ a picture, hiking - We are _____ in the mountains, swimming - They are _____ in the sea, shopping - Mom is taking me _____ for new clothes, riding - I went horse _____ last week, cooking - I am _____ dinner for the whole family, sleeping - I was _____ soundly when my alarm went off, flying - The children are _____ flying kites in the park, singing - I was _____ my favourite songs at the party, building - He was _____ a sandcastle at the beach, playing - We were _____ tennis after school, studying - I was _____ very hard so that I would pass my exam, pretending - The boys are _____ to be superheroes, writing - I am _____ a letter to my pen pal, hiding - My dog is _____ behind the curtains because he doesn't want to take a bath, climbing - They are _____ the ladder in the park, riding - I'm _____ my bicycle to the mall, running - She's _____ away from the bear, playing - I'm _____ video games,

Present participles


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