1) to talk about something for a long time, often in an annoying way a) go b) talk c) on d) in e) about f) to 2) to be as good as something / to live or act in accordance with a) be b) live c) down d) to e) it f) up 3) to defend or support a particular idea or a person who is being criticized or attacked a) act b) stand c) up d) with e) for f) in 4) be faced with or opposed by something such as an enemy or problem a) come b) bring c) down d) with e) up f) against 5) to escape blame or punishment when you do something wrong, or to avoid harm or criticism for something you did a) come b) unscathed c) get d) away e) with f) to 6) manage to avoid or escape a duty or responsibility a) take b) get c) out d) with e) of f) in 7) you decide to do it as a hobby or interest a) go b) take c) in d) for e) with f) down 8) tell off or criticize someone a) tell b) on c) go d) at e) with f) up 9) make up work that was missed due to absence at a later point / to reach the same standard, stage, or level that others have reached a) catch b) keep c) up d) with e) down f) to 10) to reduce to / to have sth as the most important part a) come b) bring c) go d) down e) to f) back 11) acquire information about a particular subject by studying it intensively a) read b) look c) down d) up e) on f) in 12) to find the time to do something a) get b) round c) to d) with e) take f) up 13) to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left a) run b) out c) of d) left e) without f) on 14) produce something, especially when pressured or challenged a) come b) do c) down d) up e) with f) to 15) remove or put an end to something a) do b) something c) up d) on e) away f) with 16) tolerate or endure something a) catch b) put c) up d) about e) with f) on

Three part phrasal verbs - p55 (Sts)


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