1) What's your favorite hobby? 2) Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which one? 3) What's the last book you read that you really enjoyed? 4) Are you into any sports? Which one do you like the most? 5) Do you have a passion for painting, drawing, or any other form of art? 6) What subject in high school are you most looking forward to?What's your dream job? 7) What's your dream job? 8) How do you usually study for exams? 9) Do you have any academic goals for this year? 10) What motivates you to learn English? 11) Have you ever been to a foreign country? If so, which one and what did you like about it? 12) Where would you like to travel to next? 13) What's the most exciting place you've ever visited? 14) Do you prefer beaches or mountains for vacations? 15) Have you ever tried any local cuisine from another country? 16) What's your favorite app or social media platform? 17) Do you enjoy watching movies, TV shows, or documentaries? Any recommendations? 18) Are you into video games? If so, what's your favorite game? 19) How do you usually spend your free time online? 20) Do you follow any YouTubers or podcasters? 21) What's your favorite color and why? 22) What quality do you admire in others? 23) How do you usually handle stress? 24) What's your favorite way to relax? 25) If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 26) Who's your best friend and what do you like most about them? 27) Do you keep any pets? 28) What tradition or custom in your family do you cherish? 29) How do you usually spend time with your family? 30) What's your favorite holiday and how do you usually celebrate it? 31) Do you enjoy attending concerts and live performances? 32) Are you into collecting anything? If so, what do you collect? 33) What's your favorite type of music? 34) Have you ever tried any traditional cuisine from your own country? 35) If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be and why? 36) What would you do if you had a time machine? 37) What's your dream vacation spot and why? 38) If you could have any job for a day, what would it be? 39) What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't had the chance yet? 40) What is one thing on your bucket list? 41) What’s your favorite day of the week and why? 42) What’s your favorite color and why? 43) Describe yourself in three words. 44) What’s your least favorite household chore? 45) Tell us something about your family. 46) Do you have a habit of waking up early?  47) Do you enjoy outdoor activities? 48) Are you interested in photography or videography? 49) Are you keen on gardening or flower cultivation? 50) How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

ESL Icebreaking Questions


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