1) Just do it.(Nike) 体现了广告语言词汇的什么特点? a) 简洁性 b) 动态性 c) 创新性 2) It’s finger-licking good.(KFC) 体现了广告语言词汇的什么特点? a) 简洁性 b) 创新性 c) 动态性 3) 下面哪些广告语体现了词汇的动态性特征? a) Life is good.(LG) b) Always with you.(中国电信) c) Ask for more.(Pepssi) d) Obey your thirst.(Sprite) 4) 衣食住行,有龙则灵。(Loong Card makes your life easy)体现了广告翻译的哪个原则? a) 创新原则 b) 简洁原则 c) 适应性原则 5) 下列哪一个广告体现了“Mataphor(暗喻)”的修辞? a) Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest.(劳力士) b) Where there is a mountain, there is a road;where there is a road, there is a Toyota. (Toyota) c) You’d better off under the umbrella. (保险) d) Good teeth,good health. 6) 下列哪一个广告体现了“夸张(hyperbole)”的修辞? a) Sofa-So-Good. (沙发广告) b) Take TOSHIBA, take the world. (TOSHIBA) c) Beyond the imagination.(大韩航空) d) Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only for Sony. 7) 下列哪个广告体现了“Pun(双关)”的修辞 a) Your World. Delivered.(AT&T公司广告) b) Millionhair — Dog grooming service.(狗狗美容) c) A diamond is forever.(钻石) d) Sofa-So-Good. (沙发广告)

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